Slack Certified Consultant Program FAQ

About Slack Certified
Preparing for your certification exam

About Slack Certified

Q: How can a Slack Certified Consultant credential help me? 
A: Whether you're building Slack experiences at your company, consulting on Slack implementations or developing Slack apps, more careers than ever are built on Slack. Slack certifications can help make the working lives of everyone within your organization simpler, more pleasant and more productive.
  • Be a driving force in your organization and influence change.
  • Create meaningful experiences that will drive adoption.
  • Join a community of Slack Certified experts.
  • Show off your new skills by sharing your digital credentials on social media.
Q: What languages are the prep courses and exams available in?

A: The Slack Certified Consultant Prep Course, Exam and additional materials or resources are available in English. 

Q: Why do I have to take both the prep course and the certification exam?
A: To ensure you have the best chance to successfully complete the exam, we are requiring all candidates to complete the prep course. Even if you are already an experienced Slack consultant, it may be helpful to review the materials. 

Q: If I don’t pass the exam, when will I be able to retake it? 

A: You will have three months to retake the exam once you have been re-enrolled.

  • If you fail your first exam attempt, you must wait 24 hours before registering for a second attempt.
  • If you fail your second attempt, you must wait 14 days before registering for a third attempt.
  • If you fail your third attempt (or any subsequent attempt), you must wait 28 days before registering for the exam again.  

Q: How long will it take to complete the exam?
You will have 90 minutes to take the exam

Q: When should I schedule my exam? 
A: You will be able to schedule your exam only after you complete the prep course. 

Q: How far in advance can I schedule my exam? 
A: We highly suggest scheduling your exam as soon as you feel prepared, keeping in mind that you will not be able to schedule your exam until after you've completed the prep course
Q: What if I require special accommodation?
A: Prep Course accommodations: For individuals that are visually impaired, our prep courses work with the latest versions of NVDA, JAWS, VoiceOver, and TalkBack in our supported browsers. Please review the accessibility information guide here.

A: Exam accomodations: Our exam delivery partner, Examity, is ADA compliant and can accommodate candidates that require screen readers, extra time, or other accommodations. If you have a disability, health condition, and/or other barrier and may benefit from testing-related accommodations, please contact us and provide the following information:

  • Description of the accommodation you are requesting
  • Name of the exam 
  • Date and time of your scheduled exam (please schedule your exam at least three weeks in advance when requesting accommodations).

All accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the type of accommodation, we may request additional information and/or documentation to support your accommodation request.

Q: Can I use a tablet or other device to prepare for and take the beta exam?
The prep courses can be accessed on tablets, smartphones and other devices. Examity's online proctoring technology requires that you register and take the exam on a laptop or desktop computer. You will not be allowed to take the exam on a tablet or other devices. For more information on technical requirements, make sure to check your system readiness here.

Preparing for your Consultant certification exam

Q: Slack Certified Consultant
A: Slack Certified Consultants help clients maximize the potential of Slack by transforming their organization's collaboration. Slack Certified Consultants apply their Slack expertise to offer services around solution design, change management and user adoption. Click here to learn more about becoming a Slack Certified Consultant.
Q: How long does it take to study for the exams?
A: The amount of time it takes to prepare for the exams will vary based on your level of experience. We usually recommend that new or aspiring Slack Consultant set aside 23-25 hours to work through all of the content within the prep courses, sandbox environment and including practice activities. If you’re already deeply experienced, feel free to dive right into the prep couse here to begin studying the specific topics that will help prepare you for the exam. 
Q: Is there a practice test that I can take? 
A: Currently, we don’t offer a standalone practice test, but we recommend that you click here to learn more about the free Slack Skills badges, such as Getting Started with Slack Basics that will help you prepare. We also recommend that you take the Partner Orientation course and Slack Certified Consultant Prep Course. Our learning resources are filled with interactivities, practice questions and knowledge checks designed to prepare you for the exam.
Q: What score do I need to pass the exam?
A: You’ll need to achieve a score of 66% or higher to pass the Slack Certified Consultant Exam and earn your certification. 
Q: What happens if I don’t pass on the first attempt?
A: Ultimately, a non-passing score is just an indication that you’ve got a bit more to learn, and that’s exactly what our prep course is designed to you! We recommended using the exam score report from your first exam attempt to guide your studies on the sections you may have scored lower in to help increase your odds of success.
Manage channels in Slack
Streamline channel management administration at your organization
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1-2 hours
EXPIRATION_NONE accredible-badge-450669 Intermediate Admin
Slack Certified Admin Prep Course + Exam
Our interactive online prep course, detailed exam guide, and access to the Certified Admin exam — all in one place
2 Courses
en certified-admin-path purchase-page-terms
Slack Certified Consultant Prep Course + Exam
Slack Consultants, prove you have the skills to implement Slack and set clients up for long-term success.
2 Courses
Slack Certified Developer Course + Exam
Our interactive online prep course, detailed exam guide, and access to the Certified Developer exam — all in one place
2 Courses
en developer-prep-course certified-developer-path certified-developer-page purchase-page-terms en-purchase-processor slack-developer
Manage apps securely and efficiently
Empower others with apps securely at scale by implementing an app governance policy and process that meets your organization's needs.
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1 hour
en skill-badge-course EXPIRATION_NONE accredible-badge-396338 Intermediate Admin
Manage roles and permissions in Slack
Apply best practices when managing Slack roles and permissions for your organization
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1-2 hours
EXPIRATION_NONE accredible-badge-430566 Intermediate Admin
Start developing on the Slack Platform
Automate processes and integrate services into your company
Click to enter
2 hours
EXPIRATION_NONE accredible-badge-451112 Intermediate Developer
Slack Certified Developer Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Developer exam at your own pace, building key skills to develop Slack apps
rise-only en developer-prep-course certified-developer-path certified-developer-page slack-developer
Use Slack analytics to drive adoption and engagement
Define your organization's goals and use Slack to measure progress against them.
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2-3 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-250531 EXPIRATION_NONE Beginner Admin
Get started with Slack basics
Find and start conversations, collaborate effectively in channels, find information you need, keep work organized with channels and keep your sidebar organized in Slack.
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1-2 hours
accredible-badge-310427 EXPIRATION_NONE skill-badge-beginner Beginner Business User
Slack Certified Admin Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Admin Exam, building key admin skills at your own pace
en admin-prep-course certified-admin-path slack-admin
Slack Certified Admin Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume and optimize your Slack administration aptitude
en admin-exam-course hide-curriculum purchase-page-terms slack-admin
Slack Certified Consultant Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume, and optimize your Slack consultant aptitude
accredible-badge-390301 EXPIRATION_24 hide-results
Slack Certified Developer Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume and optimize your Slack development aptitude
en developer-exam-course hide-curriculum purchase-page-terms slack-developer
Get Started with Slack Sales Elevate for Salesforce Admins
Configure Slack Sales Elevate to drive sales and influence change management at your organization.
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2-3 hours
EXPIRATION_NONE Beginner Admin accredible-badge-521017
Implement identity and access management in Slack
Ensure that employees easily and securely have access to the right information as they change roles, or join or leave an organization.
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1 hour
EXPIRATION_NONE accredible-badge-369889 Advanced Admin
Build a Slack app with Bolt
Build a Slack app using Bolt, a development framework that makes it easier and faster to build Slack apps.
Click to enter
2 hours
accredible-badge-304692 EXPIRATION_NONE Advanced Developer
Create interactive experiences in Slack with Block Kit
Discover how to build with Block Kit components and surfaces in your Slack app
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2-3 hours
accredible-badge-310730 EXPIRATION_NONE Advanced Business User Developer
Drive etiquette and productivity
Get even more out of Slack by applying tips and best practices for driving productivity and etiquette as you work together.
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2 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-250525 EXPIRATION_NONE skill-badge-beginner Beginner Business User
Protect your organization's data
Use Slack's functionality paired with integrations to secure your data and meet compliance standards.
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2 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-250529 EXPIRATION_NONE Intermediate Admin
Slack Certified Consultant Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Consultant Exam, building key skills for a Slack implementation at your own pace.
Manage projects in Slack
Use Slack to stay on top of projects and work productively with your team all in one place.
Click to enter
2 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-282901 EXPIRATION_NONE skill-badge-beginner Intermediate Business User
Automate business processes with Workflow Builder
Create custom workflows with automated forms, messages and more.
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2-3 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-250527 EXPIRATION_NONE Intermediate Business User Admin
Work with other organizations using Slack Connect
Work productively and securely in channels with anyone, from inside and outside your organization.
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1.5 hours
rise-only en skill-badge-course accredible-badge-250528 EXPIRATION_NONE Beginner Business User Admin
Slack Certified Developer Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume and optimize your Slack development aptitude
en developer-exam-course hide-curriculum purchase-page-terms slack-developer
Slack Certified Developer Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Developer exam at your own pace, building key skills to develop Slack apps
rise-only en developer-prep-course certified-developer-path certified-developer-page slack-developer
Slack Certified Admin Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Admin Exam, building key admin skills at your own pace
en admin-prep-course certified-admin-path slack-admin
Slack Certified Admin Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume and optimize your Slack administration aptitude
en admin-exam-course hide-curriculum purchase-page-terms slack-admin
Slack Certified Consultant Prep Course
Our interactive online prep course prepares you for the Slack Certified Consultant Exam, building key skills for a Slack implementation at your own pace.
Slack Certified Consultant Exam
Our secure online exam lets you prove your skills, enhance your resume, and optimize your Slack consultant aptitude
accredible-badge-390301 EXPIRATION_24 hide-results